Thursday, 5 June 2014

'Kegagalan sistem BENCANA': Kapten kapal SELAM Nuklear memberitahu untuk melepaskan diri dari haba MEMBAKAR . . .

Kapal selam nuklear berkuasa gelora (HMS The nuclear powered submarine HMS Turbulent (AFP Photo/WPA Pool/Barry Batchelor)

Srikandi גבורה Krew kapal selam UK mempunyai berus rapat dengan kematian apabila kegagalan penghawa dingin disebabkan suhu melonjak, ia telah muncul. Malapetaka telah dielakkan selepas kapal selam menyelam ke bawah 200 meter ke dalam perairan sejuk.

HMS gelora mendedahkan Ia telah dilanda situasi yang berpotensi bencana semasa rondaan di Lautan Hindi 3 tahun lalu. Sistem penghawa dingin kapal menjadi tersum-bat, menyebabkan suhu roket untuk 60C (140F).

"Saya benar-benar menyangka bahawa tidak akan menjadi satu kehilangan nyawa di atas kapal," Pegawai Pemerintah Ryan Ramsey memberitahu Plymouth Herald, meng-gambarkan bagaimana awak kapal telah runtuh di mana-mana, ramai masih di stesen-stesen kerja mereka.

"Ianya benar-benar menakutkan, dan saya tidak takut untuk mengatakan saya takut. Saya masih ingat melihat gambar keluarga saya cepat berfikir, Kami perlu di tarik melalui yang ini".

Ramsey katanya menjadi terdesak selepas merasmikan hac kapal selam itu gagal untuk memperbaiki keadaan krisis. Sistem telah mula gagal seluruh dasar laut itu dan "setiap ruang bebas" telah bertukar menjadi sickbays sementara untuk menampung anak-anak kapal mengalami penyakit haba. Ramsey adalah atas jambatan kapal selam apabila bencana melanda.

‘Catastrophic systems failure’: Nuclear submarine captain tells of escape from searing heat . . .

The crew of a UK submarine had a close brush with death when an air-conditioning failure caused temperatures to soar, it has emerged. Catastrophe was averted after the submarine dived down 200 meters into cooler waters.

It has been revealed HMS Turbulent was hit by a potentially disastrous situation while on patrol in the Indian Ocean three years ago. The vessel’s air conditioning system became clogged, causing temperatures to rocket to 60C (140F).

"I genuinely thought there was going to be a loss of life on board,” commanding officer Ryan Ramsey told the Plymouth Herald, describing how crewmembers were collapsing everywhere, many still at their work stations.

“It was absolutely terrifying, and I'm not afraid to say I was scared. I remember looking at a picture of my family quickly thinking, ‘We need to pull through this.’”

Ramsey said he became desperate after opening the submarine’s hatches failed to alleviate the crisis situation. Systems had begun to fail all over the submarine and “every free space” had been turned into makeshift sickbays to cater for crew suffering from heat sickness. Ramsey was on the bridge of the submarine when disaster struck.

Nuklear berkuasa kelas Trafalgar "pembunuh pemburu" kapal selam gelora HMS (Nuclear powered Trafalgar class "hunter killer" submarine HMS Turbulent (Reuters/Royal Navy-Lt Cdr O'Brien)

"Saya turun ke bawah di bawah dan saya telah bertemu dengan letupan ini yang luar biasa panasnya," kata Ramsey, sambil menambah bahawa dia pergi ke kabin Subma-riner yang pertama, yang dia didapati bersalaman dan menangis di atas lantai selepas keruntuhan.

Ramsey dan anak-anak kapal boleh melakukan sedikit untuk memperbaiki keadaan peralatan di kawasan-kawasan masalah terlalu panas untuk disentuh. Selain itu, ketua pasukan tersebut, kapal selam itu tidak dapat kembali berlabuh di Fujairah di Emiriah Arab Bersatu, sebagai bertukar dengan kapal nuklear yang patah boleh menimbulkan "isu-isu politik".

"Saya rasa seperti dunia ini terhadap kami. Saya melihat ke atas dan bertanya 'Bila anda akan memberi saya berehat untuk bersalaman di sini? 'Orang yang menangis, dan ia adalah semua tentang hidup."

Berhadapan dengan pilihan lain, Ramsey mengarahkan kapal selam untuk menyelam ke laut dalam. Pada kira-kira 200 meter suhu di kapal selam mula sejuk dan sistem mula datang dalam talian lagi.

Ternyata sistem penghawa dingin telah tertutup oleh krustasia semasa penempatan kapal di Fujairah.

"Tidak satu hari yang berlalu yang saya tidak fikir tentang apa yang berlaku. Kesakitan melihat anak-anak kapal saya seperti itu," kata Ramsey yang memutuskan untuk ber-cakap mengenai kejadian itu 3 tahun selepas menunjukkan "bagaimana yang menak-jubkan dan luar biasa perkhidmatan ini".

Kegagalan sistem yang berlaku pada HMS Turbulent begitu jarang berlaku bahawa Tentera Laut Diraja kini telah termasuk senario di program latihan kapal selam itu.

“I came down below and I was met with this incredible blast of heat,” Ramsey said, adding that he went to the cabin of the first submariner, whom he found shaking and crying on the floor after collapsing.

Ramsey and the crew could do little to fix the situation as the equipment in the problem areas was too hot to touch. Also, the captain said, the submarine could not return to dock at Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates, as turning up with a broken nuclear vessel could give rise to “political issues.”

“I felt like the world was against us. I was looking up and asking ‘When are you going to give me a break to gain the upper hand here?’ People were crying, and it was all about survival.”

Faced with no other option, Ramsey ordered the submarine to dive into deeper waters. At around 200 meters the temperatures in the submarines began to cool and systems began coming online again.

It turned out the air conditioning system had been bunged up by crustaceans during the vessel’s deployment in Fujairah.

“There’s not a day that goes by that I do not think about what happened. The pain of seeing my crew like that,” said Ramsey who decided to speak about the incident three years after to show “how amazing and incredible the service is.”

The systems failure that occurred on HMS Turbulent was so rare that the Royal Navy has now included the scenario in its submarine training program.

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